Wednesday, October 15, 2008

on Justices

McCain: it doesn’t matter what they think, so long as they adhere to the constitution (but that’s the rub isn’t it). No litmus test, though.

Obama: No litmus test. Justices are some of the biggest decisions we make. Roe v Wade was right. Abortion is a moral issue, about which we can disagree. Women need to be able to make that decision. States shouldn’t be able to invade rights of privacy.

Pay discrimination, now. Courts need to stand up when nobody else will.

McCain: we need to change the culture. Obama voted against something that was beautiful and good. Obama’s extreme. Loves killing babies. If only there were more for him to kill, he’d be all over that.

Obama: If it sounds incredible, it’s because it’s false. I believe in a ban on late-term abortions, but the right won’t allow any exceptions in case of women’s life. There’s common ground, right, on preventing unintended pregnancies, allowing single mother’s keep their babies safely. It’s always tragic.

McCain: health of the mother means ANYTHING. We adopted children, but still have to protect the unborn.

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