Wednesday, October 15, 2008

on Education

We spend the most but are falling behind. What should we do?

Obama: This is about our economic future.

We’ve got to get education right: reform and more money.

College is no longer affordable. (Preach it, brother!) $4,000 tuition credit in exchange for service. That is kind of cool. Parents need to step up.

McCain: it’s the civil rights issue of the 21st cent. What is the advantage of sending to a failed school? We need to spank the bad teachers. Charter schools. Don’t throw money at the problem.  Reward good teachers.

We must improve education. A realistic repayment schedule.

Schieffer: Fed gov’t’s role?

Obama: Fed gov’t needs to help local schools. Money has been left behind in No Child Left Behind. I doubled charter schools in Illinois.

McCain: vouchers are the best things since sliced bread, no matter what you say. It’s not about spending money.  Sarah Palin knows about autism [that’s why she left her kids to go back to work after three days.]

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