Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Signs of life?

I remember how after the 2004 election I realized that the Christian left was noticeably absent.

The first question, I'm sure, is "the Christian left?"

Right, I know, hardly a term most people are familiar with. What I mean are those who go to church regularly (by most statistics the most accurate predictor of a Republican voter) but do not accept gay marriage, abortion, and tax cuts as our holy trinity. While there may be a lot of us out there, we don't necessarily speak up in church about our views for fear of offending our conservative fell0w-worshippers. We sort of huddle around after or before service in small groups, looking both ways before mentioning the most recent egregious act by the president, his administration, the congress, the courts or even the Church itself.

Where were they in 2004?

That is how I discovered Sojourners and Jim Wallis.

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