Wednesday, October 18, 2006

From Denial to Action in this Election

I must be in denial about this upcoming election.

We have a good guy, a young, idealistic, fresh-faced fellow running on the Democratic ticket. Jim Esch for Nebraska's 2nd congressional district. I went to Esch's campaign kick off, walked down there with my kids, sat our baby on my shoulders as Esch gave his stump speech. Saw folks I knew. Then, what's he do but set up his office a block from where I work and RIGHT NEXT to the place I get Thai food. A perfect opportunity to volunteer, make calls, stuff envelopes, etc.

I did nothing. I don't even know why. I just never stopped in to volunteer my time or even get a yard sign.

See, I didn't really pay attention, having felt burned in the last two elections, when I tried to get a Green Party congressman in 2002 and a Democrat in 2004. We marched, held signs, made fundraising calls, the whole nine yards.

Of course, it would be this year that the Democrats have a chance take Congress. It would be this year that a pro-life Democrat runs in our district, a good Catholic. And I sit this one out.

Now that I'm unemployed, I should have no problem helping Esch. It may not get him elected, but I will have plugged into the process once more. It's shameful to do less. What will I tell my kids when they ask what I did to make this world better?

OK, I know what I'll do: I'm going down to Jim Esch for Congress today and find out how I can help.

I encourage anyone who has a progressive running in their district to do the same. We have less than three weeks to shape a Congress that looks more like the nation that it does right now. As I'm sure you've heard elsewhere, a state gets the leaders it deserves. Let's be deserving of the best people in the country. Let's work for change.

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