Thursday, July 30, 2009

Eduweb 2009 Pencasts

I was at eduWEB 2009 conference in Chicago (July 20 - 22, 2009) and took some notes from the sessions I attended on my Livescribe Pulse Smartpen. Not to be too much of a shill, but I find it much easier to take memorable notes when writing on paper, drawing arrows and doodles, boxing things and such. I've never been able to quickly do the same on a laptop.

Below, you will find my handwritten notes with audio of the session. I apologize if the audio is hard to hear. I tried to get close in most sessions or at least in a place where I could hear the speaker.

eduWEB brought together other folks who work on the interwebs for colleges and universities, primarily. We tend to be very geeky, I suppose. I fit right in.

Sessions from Monday, July 20, 2009

Bob Johnson: "Student Recruitment in the Online World: Communicating from First Web Search to Final Enrollment" (part 1)

Bob Johnson: "Student Recruitment in the Online World: Communicating from First Web Search to Final Enrollment" (part 2)

Dimitri Glazkov: "The Next Big Thing" (Opening Keynote)

Karlyn Morissette: "The Five Commandments of Email Marketing"

Stewart Foss: "Higher Style for Higher-Ed Web Design"

Sessions from Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sarah Stanek: "The Role of Writers"

Tom Williams: "User Generated Content: Tapping Into the Power"

Annette Levitt: "Facebook -- a case study of building virtual relationships"

Kyle James: "SEO Best Practices: The Low Hanging Fruit for Immediate Results"

Robin Smail and Nikki Massaro Kauffman: "Twitter Me This?"

Brad Ward: "I Can Do That with Google!"

Sessions from Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brian Niles: " Crazy Times Call for Crazy Ideas" (Closing Keynote)

Christopher Schmitt: "Javascript for People Who Don't Code"

Nikki Chun & Adrienne Bartlett: "Practical Uses of Social Media for Recruitment Marketing"